Faith in Film-vinneren Women Talking endelig på kino

Hvert år deles prisen Faith in Film ut på Tromsø International Film Festival. Prisen er opprettet av Norske kirkeakademier, Tromsø kirkeakademi og KULT senter for kirke, kunst og kultur.

Vinnerfilmen velges på følgende grunnlag:

  • Filmen skal engasjere og stimulere til refleksjon, kritikk og ettertanke om religionens plass i menneskers liv og i samfunnet
  • Filmen skal gi innsikt i livssynsspørsmål eller åndelighet
  • Filmen skal være av høy kunstnerisk kvalitet.

Prisen, et ikon malt i Karmel Kloster i Tromsø, deles ut av juryen i tilknytning til visningen av avslutningsfilmen på årets festival.

Årets vinner, Women Talking, er nå kommet på kino i hele landet. Se traileren her: Women Talking official trailer

Jury 2023

Nasra Ali Omar – Project manager at Tvibit

Egill Heiðar Anton Pálsson – Theatre Manager at Hålogaland Teater

Eir Andreas Ihlang Berg – College lecturer at Kirkelig utdanningssenter i nord/VID


Through an exceptionally well written manuscript, beautiful filming and with a strong ensemble of actors, we found ourselves drawn into the question of how to react to unjust and horrible acts of sexual violence in our very midst. Through the voices of a group of women, the film addresses the eternal religious question of vengeance, forgiveness, and salvation.


We as the audience, do not only bear witness to a story of a powerful female community, but also voices of change that reflect on today’s society on questions of misogyny, sexism, and human equality. The film manages to address these questions through a religious language, that is recognizable in religious as well as secular communities.


Instead of seeing these conversations as site specific space of Christian religion, the story introduces a world wherein the question of faith is not a question of good vs evil, but rather a question of change and new hope. Further, through the biblical references of Exodus, the story of the film carries with it a becoming. A becoming of a collective voice for a group of women. A becoming of a future that is known and unknown at the same time. A becoming of empowerment. The film thus, shows us that faith is a precarious state, that reflects both humanity as well as divinity towards the uncertain future that we call life.

Dear Audience, the winner of Faith in Film 2023 is, “Women Talking” by Sarah Polley.