Faith in Film 2018
Søndag 21. januar ble filmprisen FAITH IN FILM utdelt, under Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival (TIFF). Prisen gikk til Erik Poppe, for filmen Per Fugelli – siste resept.
(Foto: Isak Dalsfelt)
Begrunnelsen for prisen ble presentert av Anne Veiteberg på vegne av juryen:
The FAITH IN FILM award will be presented to a film which stimulates reflection and discussion about the role of faith and religion in our daily life and society.
This is the second time the prize is awarded. It was established last year by, The Norwegian Church Academies, KULT Centre for Art, Culture and Church and Tromsø Church Academy.
The winner 2018 is a film which is not about religious belief as such, but it is certainly about faith and spirituality.
This is a film which embraces faith and life – faith in human dignity, faith in love, fellowships and solidarity, faithfulness in the struggle against injustice. And it is a film that expresses the spiritual dimension of life and celebrates the beauty of creation.
We are following a man who is seriously ill and soon is going to die. He asks himself: What will happen to me in this last period of my life, what will it be like? Instead of reflecting on what will happen after death, he focuses on life here and now. And in midst of sorrow, pain and fear of death, he reflects on and experiences the qualities of life.
We find this documentary to be a source of great inspiration and reflection, as it demonstrates the importance of faith and hope in everyday life, even in the last period of life, facing death.
The award for FAITH IN FILM 2018 goes to Per Fugelli – siste resept by Erik Poppe.
Faten Madhi al-Hussaini
Sigmund Nesset
Anne Veiteberg
Faten måtte reise fra Tromsø før prisen ble utdelt – i likhet med regissøren. Kunstnerisk leder for TIFF, Martha Otte, mottok prisen på hans vegne.
Foto av Per Fugelli: TIFF