The Norwegian Church Academies (Norske kirkeakademier, NKA) constitute a movement dedicated to serve church, culture and society from the basis of the Christian faith.
The church academies aim to
The church academies are particularly concerned with creating meeting places for dialogue cutting across differences in faith, philosophy, cultural background and age.
NKA is a national, independent and ecumenical movement established in 1956. The term “Academy” is inherited from the early days. Today NKA is a lay movement, largely based on voluntary work.
Next upcoming local event:
The central organs of the Norwegian Church Academies, the national Board and the Head Office, exist to facilitate cooperation between the local academies. They also serve as the common voice of the movement, cooperate with corresponding institutions in other countries, and initiate projects and conferences.
Following up the Church of Norway’s culture report Kunsten å være kirke (The Art of being a Church) is given high priority. The work is continued by KULT – Centre for Art, Culture and Church in Oslo, in which the NKA takes part. The aim is to contribute to increased competence and knowledge about art and culture in the churches – and to further the cooperation between the churches and the other arenas of cultural life.
The central work is directed by a Secretary-General and a Board of nine members. The Head Office is located in Oslo.
NKA receives an annual government grant through the Arts Council Norway.
Every year, The Norwegian Church Academies award The Bridge Builder Prize. It is given to persons or organizations that in a special way have contributed to increased understanding, communication and dialogue between different groups in church, culture and society.
NKA is a member of Oikosnet Europe – Ecumenical Association of Academies and Laity Centres in Europe. All in all, Oikosnet Europe has about sixty-five members in twenty European countries.
Developments in Europe make it ever more important to maintain close ties between national and European movements. Through its membership in Oikosnet the NKA is connected to a broad ecumenical community in Europe – both East and West. At the next level, the European church academy movement is part of the global Oikos¬net network with regional units in Africa, Asia and America.
NKA is represented on the international committee for the German Kirchentag. These large events are arranged biannually with a wide-ranging programme and thousands of participants, from Germany and many other countries.
Steinkjer kirkeakademi har i mange år vært en del av virksomheten i Steinkjer menighet. Nå har vi gått litt videre og gjort dette til et felles tiltak for alle menigheter og for alle som synes vi har et godt formål:
Steinkjer kirkeakademi er et forum som ut fra kristen tro vil arbeide med grunnleggende og aktuelle problemstillinger i kirke-, kultur-, og samfunnsliv. Dette formål søker Steinkjer kirkeakademi å virkeliggjøre gjennom
Vi har organisert oss som et frittstående akademi med medlemmer som kan være med å påvirke hvordan aktiviteten skal være.
De som ønsker å være med som medlem kan melde seg til Marna Ramsøy. Mobil: 92685856 Epost:
Kontingenten er kr. 200 pr. år, og medlemmer får rabatt på inngangspengene.
Leder: Bjørg Bratlie
Styremedlemmer Ane Fagerlund Rypdal Bjørn Andor Drage Heidi Bolstad
Tromsø internasjonale kirkefestival Festivalsjef: Harald Bakkeby Moe, tlf: 915 10 351 E-post: Nettside: Instagram: @tikfestival Facebook: Her kan du laste ned program for TIK 23 Tromsø KA H23